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5 Best Android Emulator for your PC

Now android has become too much popular among us. And we use this every time for our daily activities. And there is no one who doesn't love to play games on this. But there are some persons who want to play android games on pc. For these persons there some operating systems like Windows, Linux, Mac where we can run Android games and apps smoothly.
I know many OS but among the most 10 are popular among us.

1. The first one is Remix OS

Remix OS is one of the most popular operating systems for PC. You can use this OS to play your Android games on your PC. And this is the best for you. If you like this then download from the link below.
 Remix OS

2. The second one is Phoenix OS

This operating system also likes Remix OS. But it is different from Remix OS by its features. You can also play and enjoy your pc like your Android phone, if you install this OS.

3. The third one is Android X86

Get details and download this os from the link below.

4. The forth one is Chrome OS.

Get details and download this software from the link below.

5. And the last one is Prime OS

Get full information and download the OS from the link below.

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